Free Applicant Tracking System

Designed for Recruiters, by Recruiters.

At the same time we cover all features for an entire HR department, our DNA is on recruiting and that's our main focus.
Give it a try!

Client Management

Manage your client relationship using our system.

Client Management

Manage your client relationship using our system.

Client Management

Manage your client relationship using our system.

Transparency and communication

Involve your clients in the process.

Visualize and manage your candidates via our kanban board:

Manage your clients

Organize your jobs per client

Share a Kanban view with your clients for transparency

Kanban Board

Track and automate tasks intuitively using our browser extension.

Kanban Board

Track and automate tasks intuitively using our browser extension.

Kanban Board

Track and automate tasks intuitively using our browser extension.

Manage your entire candidate pool

A quick view

Visualize and manage your candidates via our kanban board:

Assign a coordinator

Set tasks Due Date

Quickly move candidate through your pipeline

Add automations for each stage

Add comments, send email and more

Chrome Extension

Track and automate tasks intuitively using our browser extension.

Chrome Extension

Track and automate tasks intuitively using our browser extension.

Chrome Extension

Track and automate tasks intuitively using our browser extension.

Sent message tracking

See who from your team messaged the candidate last*

Verify who from you team last messaged a candidate already on search page (also available in the profile page) of your social media.

*We do not store any message content. Privacy is core in our values

Easy Add candidates

Add candidates directly from their profile

Easily manage your candidates without switching tabs. Simply click on the right-hand side button and manage your candidate directly from your Social Media to save them to CATS (Conexão ATS).

Extra information

And even more information.

Find even more information directly on your social media:

Last time you visited profile

Last candidate application date

See how many people you reached out (via our dashboard)

Select a plan


Take as long as you need to get your site just right. No trial, no fees, no risk. Only upgrade when you are ready to ship.

Freelancers / Small team



For up to 5 users

Chrome extension

Kanban board

Email handling

Client management*

For Teams

Billed yearly



(15 users included + 2 € / user / month)

All free features

Permission controls

Follow applications

Assign tasks


Billed yearly



(20 users included + 2 € per user)

All teams features

Summarize comments

AI Rated Candidates

AI Learning

*Clients can have a login to follow their application but we will NOT charge you for those users
** Currently AI features are only for invited clients. Reach us out if you want to hear more about it

Reach out to us with your are looking for an enterprise deal.

No credit card required on Sign Up


Essential features for your Applicant Tracking System.

[soon] AI as a tool

Use Artificial Intelligence to summarize state of a candidate application and to verify how precise a candidate is a fit to your positions. (Soon to be released - we are training our model)

[soon] Be mobile

Work wherever you prefer with our mobile apps. (Soon to be released)

E-mail handling

Send and receive emails directly in the system and keep everyone in the loop. No missed email in someone's inbox when they are on vacation.

Browser Extension

Use our browser extension to automate your work and avoid constant Tab Switching.

Set Tasks

Assign coordinators to your position and set Due Dates for each task.


Track how much you were able to engage with candidates this week and your team performance.

Kanban board

Have a quick view of all your candidates state using our Kanban Board.

Tailored Permissions

Allow only the right people to see the right information. Manage who can access certain positions and comments.

Automate Each Stage

Customize your pipeline and set automated actions every time your candidate move between stages.

Customizable Client Dashboard

Are you a freelancer or a recruiting agency? Show transparency on your hiring and share (limited) access with your clients.


Need help to migrate from another system or your spreadsheet? We are glad to help you with that.


Frequently asked questions.

Which pricing plan is right for me?

As a freelancer (or solopreneur), you have free access to all the features, with the exception of the AI ones. You can cancel your plan whenever you’d like. You’ll be downgraded to the free plan. You won’t be locked out of any projects that have paid plans.

What payment methods do you offer?

Do I need to input my credit card?

What is your refund policy?

Fraction template

Build a hiring pipeline that trully works for you.

  • Automated actions

    Chrome Extension

    Kanban board

    Artificial Intelligence (being trained)

    Set the right permissions

    Customize your pipeline

    Handle e-mails